Test Code WETPR Vaginal Wet Prep
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Wet Prep Vagina |
Wet Prep Vagina |
The Wet Prep is a semi-quantitative and qualitative screening test performed by examination of
vaginal secretions using direct microscopy. The specimen is examined under x10 and x40
power lens for the presence of WBC, RBC, Epithelial Cells, Clue Cells, Spermatozoa, Yeast,
and Trichomonas.
Patient Preparation
Use of lubricants should be avoided during specimen collection.
Collection Instructions
- Collection should be from posterior vaginal fornix using a sterile, polyester-tipped swab (e.g. Dacron). Use of lubricants should be avoided during specimen collection.
- Refrigeration of specimens should be avoided.
Specimen Requirements
Containers |
Stability |
Rejection Criteria |
Specimens received past stability limits |
Result Reporting and Reference Values
Reference Ranges |
Critical Ranges |
None |
Reflex Testing
- The Wet Prep is a semi-quantitative screening test; results should only be used in conjunction with other clinical findings.
- Refrigerated specimens may adversely affect the the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis.
- Women with bacterial vaginosis are often asymptomatic. Bacterial vaginosis, typically caused by an overgrowth of G. vaginalis, has been associated with preterm delivery, rupture of amniotic membranes and septic abortion.
- More than one WBC per epithelial cell can indicate cervical or vaginal inflammation and the relative absence of WBCs is characteristic of the discharge of non-specific vaginosis.
Useful For
Examinations of vaginal secretion wet preparations (Wet Prep) aid in the diagnosis of conditions
such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, and trichomoniasis.