Test Code Malaria Smear Malaria Smear
Additional Codes
Cerner |
NextGen |
Malaria Smear |
Malaria Smear |
Patient Preparation
The Best Time to Make a Smear for Malaria:
Nine journal article recommendations are:
a. At the time of or immediately after a chill and halfway between paroxysms.
b. Several hours apart.
c. At different times of the day.
d. Intervals of 6-18 hours for 3 days.
e. As soon and as frequent as possible.
f. Shortly after a paroxysm and then 10 hours later.
g. Every 3-4 hours.
Collection Instructions
- Clots cannot be present
- Specimens must be well mixed.
- Do not centrifuge.
- Specimen must be labeled per Specimen Identification and Acceptability Policy.
Specimen Requirements
Preferred Volume |
12 x 75 mm tube EDTA-2K/ EDTA-3K Lavender or Li Heparin Green filled to capacity. |
Minimum Volume |
0.5 mL |
Container |
Stability |
Rejection Criteria |
Clotted samples. |
Result Reporting and Reference Values
Reference Range |
Negative for Malarial parasites |
Critical Ranges |
All positive results |
Reflex Testing
Will be selected based on discussion with ordering provider and/or pathologist recommendation.
- Smear evaluation is a screening procedure only and should be evaluated with clinical data, etc.
- Speciation is not always possible from the smear.
Useful For/ Methodology
The purpose of this orderable is to be able to identify and report malarial parasites in the blood. The laboratory diagnosis of malaria is based on the demonstration of the parasite in blood. This is done by making regular thin blood smears and also thick blood preparations. The thick smears are used to establish the presence of the malaria organism and the thin smears can be useful to speciate the organism. Other blood parasites have the potential to be observed as well.