Test Code C Urine Urine Culture
Additional Codes
Cerner |
NextGen |
C Urine |
Culture Urine |
Depending on the growth and quantity present in culture will determine what methods will be employed.
- The Vitek 2
- The Vitek 2 is automated machine capable of identifying and determining sensitivity of microbial isolates.
- Maldi
- An automated machine that utilizes mass spectrometry in the identification of microbial isolates.
Patient Preparation
First morning midstream clean-catch is the preferred specimen for culture.
Collection Instructions
- Catheterized and aspiration specimens collected according to clinical policies and procedures.
- Radom clean catch instructions: Random Urine Collection Instructions
Specimen Requirements
Preferred Volume |
10 mL uncentrifuged and unpreserved, random clean catch or catheterized urine. |
Minimum Volume |
0.1mL uncentrifuged and unpreserved, random clean catch or catheterized urine. |
Container |
Stability |
Rejection Criteria |
Result Reporting and Reference Values
- Negative Cultures
- No growth after 18-24 hours of incubation in clean catch specimen.
- No growth after 48 hours of incubation if catheterized and suprapubic aspirate specimens.
- Positive Cultures
- Include the quantitation of the organism(s), complete identification and susceptibility testing results along with any mixed flora present.
Reflex Testing
- Susceptibility testing:
- For Clean Catch specimens, susceptibility testing is done on pathogens if there is only one or two organisms and the quantitation is >10,000 CFU/ml.
- Susceptibility testing on lower colony counts performed only by special request of the physician.
- For catheterized and suprapubic aspirate specimens, susceptibility testing will be conducted on all organisms present.
- Sensitivity maybe referred to another culture if same patient, same isolate within three days of collection from one another.
- For Clean Catch specimens, susceptibility testing is done on pathogens if there is only one or two organisms and the quantitation is >10,000 CFU/ml.
Because most antibiotics concentrate in urine, negative urine cultures are possible following treatment of a UTI by an antibiotic that is only partially effective. For this reason, urine cultures collected to determine whether a course of therapy was effective should be collected 2-4 days after discontinuance of the antibiotic.
Useful For
The Urine Culture is used to assist in the diagnosis of kidney function and evaluating the presence of urinary tract infections.
Several methods are involved in the analysis of urine cultures:
- The macroscopic examination of urine cultures
- The physical examination of flora present
- A qualitative evaluation of organisms present on plate is conducted. Biochemicals and molecular methods are used in the identification and sensitivity of organisms present.